The dove and the olive branch
A white dove is generally a symbol for peace. This comes from an... (read more)

The Peace Research Foundation Student Association

ARTICLE I Name and Purpose

Section One - Name. The name of the Association is The Peace Research Foundation Student Association, referred to as PRF-SA.

Section Two - Purpose. The purpose of the PRF-SA is to provide a student organization for those individuals dedicated to pursuing peace through education and training, to foster understanding and commonality in promoting peace among the students, and to support and follow the mission of the Peace Research Foundation, referred to as PRF. 

ARTICLE II Affiliation

Section One – Affiliation with PRF. The PRF-SA is recognized by, and acts in accordance with mission, the bylaws and executive actions of the PRF, which is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) educational and research organization dedicated to increasing and disseminating the body of knowledge regarding peace through research and education. 

Section Two – Partisanship. The PRF-SA is a nonprofit and nonpartisan association. The PRF-SA shall not support any partisan, political or religious affiliation.

ARTICLE III Membership

Section One – Eligibility. The membership of the PRF-SA shall be divided into classifications as defined by the bylaws.

Section Two – Full Membership. Any student who is actively involved in the pursuit of peace through education and training and is willing to contribute to the purpose of the PRF-SA is eligible for full membership. 

Section Three – Association Chapters. Association chapters may be formed and chartered upon approval of the Executive Board and Director. The process for chartering chapters shall be developed and incorporated into the bylaws.

Section Four – Honorary Membership. Honorary membership is for those individuals who demonstrate extraordinary contribution to PRF-SA. in the pursuit of its objectives. This membership must be approved by the PRF Executive Board and Director.

Section Five – Membership Classifications. The Executive Board may establish and/or change the membership classifications and the criteria for each position.

Section Six – Dues. The amount for annual membership dues is 40 USD.  

ARTICLE IV Officers, Board Members, and Directors

Section One – Officers and Board Members. Until amended, the officers of the PRF-SA and the Executive Board are synonymous. They shall include president, one vice-president secretary, treasurer, advisor, and any other positions the Board may deem necessary and duly incorporate into the bylaws.

Section Two – Director. The Director of the PRF-SA is the President and Executive Director of the PRF. She/he shall retain overall authority for PRF-SA.

Section Three – Responsibilities. 

(a). Officers - Serve as the elected governing body for the PRF-SA. Each Association Chapter shall have its own officers. The specific responsibilities of the PRF-SA Officers shall be developed, set forth in detailed position descriptions, approved by the PRF Executive Board, and maintained as public record.

(b). Board Members – Shall provide executive oversight of the Association Chapters. The specific responsibilities of the PRF-SA Executive Board shall be developed, set forth in detailed position descriptions, approved by the Director, and maintained as public record.

(c). President of the PRF-SA Executive Board – Shall serve as a PRF board member after one year in her/his position.

Section Four – Terms of Office. The term of each elected board and officer position shall be for one year. No elected official may serve for more than three consecutive terms.

Section Five – Vacancy. If any position shall become vacant, a special election will be held for the purpose of filling that vacancy only.

ARTICLE V Committees

Committees may be formed at the discretion of the Officers and Executive Board. Each committee formed must announce its membership, be given specific goals and objectives, and be identified as project-specific or a standing committee. Standing committees shall be incorporated into the bylaws.


Section One – The PRF-SA and Association Chapters shall meet at least twice a year at their respective locations. The date and time of each meeting shall be set by each president.

Section Two – Executive Board. The Executive Board shall meet at least quarterly or upon the call of the Director. The date, time, and location shall be set by the Director of the PRF-SA.

Section Three – Annual Elections. The annual election meeting shall be held in the month of April. 

Section Four – Committees. Committee chairs will determine the meeting frequency and must provide a written quarterly status report of the committee’s progress at the quarterly PRF-SA general membership meeting.


Nominations may be declared ninety days prior to and not later than the preceding regularly scheduled meeting. Candidates receiving a simple majority of the votes shall be declared the winner. All the members of the PRF-SA would be eligible to vote. .


The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall guide the organization in all cases unless specifically inconsistent with the bylaws and any special rules of order that may be adopted.

ARTICLE IX Amendments of Bylaws

Section One – Proposed Amendments. Any PRF-SA Executive Board member may propose an amendment to this document.

Section Two – Ratification. A favorable vote by two-thirds of the PRF-SA Executive Board membership is required for adoption of an amendment.

Section Three – Numbering. The Board is authorized to number the articles and sections to correspond with any amendments approved and incorporated into the body of the bylaws.

President Secretary 

Vice President Treasurer

Director Advisor


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