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Globalization: The United Nations Development Dialogue - Finance, Trade, Poverty, Peace-building

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Author: Isabelle Grunberg (Editor), Sarbuland Khan (Editor)
Publication Date: September 2000
Publisher: United Nations
Description: 'This publication contains statements and other materials from the past two years, 1998-1999, of debate and dialogue in the Economic and Social Council. The aim is to bring the Organization's work to a wider audience. The book covers key issues such as: finance, trade, poverty and peace-building. It shows a United Nations seeking greater understanding about globalization and exploring ways to reconcile the imperatives of global markets with the socio-ecomonic needs of the world's people.'

Date Added: 11/22/2003

Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order

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Author: Robert Kagan (Author)
Publication Date: January 2003
Publisher: Vintage Books
Description: 'From a leading scholar of our country’s foreign policy, the brilliant essay about America and the world that has caused a storm in international circles now expanded into book form. European leaders, increasingly disturbed by U.S. policy and actions abroad, feel they are headed for what the New York Times (July 21, 2002) describes as a “moment of truth.” After years of mutual resentment and tension, there is a sudden recognition that the real interests of America and its allies are diverging sharply and that the trans-atlantic relationship itself has changed, possibly irreversibly. Europe sees the United States as high-handed, unilateralist, and unnecessarily belligerent; the United States sees Europe as spent, unserious, and weak. The anger and mistrust on both sides are hardening into incomprehension. This past summer, in Policy Review, Robert Kagan reached incisively into this impasse to force both sides to see themselves through the eyes of the other. Tracing the widely differing histories of Europe and America since the end of World War II, he makes clear how for one the need to escape a bloody past has led to a new set of transnational beliefs about power and threat, while the other has perforce evolved into the guarantor of that “postmodern paradise” by dint of its might and global reach. This remarkable analysis is being discussed from Washington to Paris to Tokyo.'

Date Added: 11/15/2003

Russia: A Return to Imperialism?

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Author: Uri Ra
Publication Date: 1995
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Description: 'This timely, well-organized collection of essays by authors from academia, journalism, and the diplomatic corps offers a sobering picture of Russia's efforts to maintain a hold on the former Soviet republics (the 'Near Abroad') and to prevent the former Warsaw Pact countries from joining NATO. The stage is set by essays on the domestic political sources of these 'neoimperialist' tendencies and the Russians' use of 'peacekeeping' forces in former Soviet republics as a tool of domination, followed by specific analyses of Russian actions region by region to subvert the newly independent regimes. The final three contributors focus on the Western response, or lack thereof, which even the most even-handed of these experts sees as at least myopic and perhaps likely to result in a new Cold War.'

Date Added: 10/26/2003

World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability

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Author: Amy Chua
Publication Date: 2002
Publisher: Anchor (UK)
Description: 'A professor at Yale Law School, Chua eloquently fuses expert analysis with personal recollections to assert that globalization has created a volatile concoction of free markets and democracy that has incited economic devastation, ethnic hatred and genocidal violence throughout the developing world. Chua illustrates the disastrous consequences arising when an accumulation of wealth by 'market dominant minorities' combines with an increase of political power by a disenfranchised majority. Chua refutes the 'powerful assumption that markets and democracy go hand in hand' by citing specific examples of the turbulent conditions within countries such as Indonesia, Russia, Sierra Leone, Bolivia and in the Middle East. In Indonesia, Chua contends, market liberalization policies favoring wealthy Chinese elites instigated a vicious wave of anti-Chinese violence from the suppressed indigenous majority. Chua describes how 'terrified Chinese shop owners huddled behind locked doors while screaming Muslim mobs smashed windows, looted shops and gang-raped over 150 women, almost all of them ethnic Chinese.' Chua blames the West for promoting a version of capitalism and democracy that Westerners have never adopted themselves. Western capitalism wisely implemented redistributive mechanisms to offset potential ethnic hostilities, a practice that has not accompanied the political and economic transitions in the developing world. As a result, Chua explains, we will continue to witness violence and bloodshed within the developing nations struggling to adopt the free markets and democratic policies exported by the West.'

Date Added: 10/4/2003

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  Half of World's Refugees are Children
There are approximately 50 million uprooted people around the world - refugees who have sought safety in another country, and people displaced withi... (more info)

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