Definition of Refugee
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) defines... (read more)
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Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution

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Publisher: Willamette University College of Law
Description: 'The Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution is a student run publication containing a variety of articles written by scholars and Willamette University College of Law students discussing topics related to international law and international dispute resolution.'

Date Added: 10/26/2003

African Journal in Conflict Resolution

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Publisher: ACCORD
Description: 'ACCORD recently launched a new journal focusing on conflict transformation in Africa. Articles are longer and more in depth than those found in Conflict Trends, and of an overtly academic nature. However, readership is not limited to academic institutions, and literary style has deliberately been kept accessible and straightforward.'

Date Added: 10/8/2003


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Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers
Description: 'Alternatives explores the possibilities of new forms of political practice and identity under increasingly global conditions. Specifically, the editors focus on the changing relationshps between local political practices and identities and emerging forms of global economy, culture, and polity.'

Date Added: 8/9/2003

Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution

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Publisher: Cardozo School of Law
Description: 'Established in 1998, the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution ('CJCR'), formerly known as the Cardozo Online Journal of Conflict Resolution, has become a key component of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law's commitment to the area of alternative dispute resolution ('ADR'). As a burgeoning field of law, ADR plays a crucial role in nearly all legal practices. CJCR aims to contribute positively to the academic discourse in this field. As such, CJCR's biannual publication includes a broad range of notes, articles and commentaries from students, professors and attorneys, embracing provocative concepts within the field.'

Date Added: 10/8/2003

Caucasian Regional Studies

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Publisher: Centre for Political Science
Description: 'The journal Caucasian Regional Studies aims to stimulate an inter-disciplinary debate about these issues among academics from the region itself as well as from appropriate departments in the West and the former Soviet Union. It is the journal's policy to publish contributions on a wide variety of topics including collective security, inter-state relations, ethnic conflicts, democratization, civil society and economics. This is the first journal in the English and Russian languages exclusively devoted to the affairs of the Caucasus.'

Date Added: 12/11/2003

Civil Wars

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Publisher: Frank Cass Publishers
Description: 'In the post-Cold War era there has however been a renewed interest in the causes, the conduct and the ending of civil wars. Civil Wars will reflect these preoccupations. The journal has a broad academic and intellectual remit designed to be both multi and interdisciplinary. Civil Wars brings together academic pieces on all aspects of civil wars, including pieces on key topics such as why state building can degenerate into civil war, how ethnic conflict turns into civil war, the ethics of intervention and the resource implications of such conflicts but also welcomes historical work on conflicts such as the US, Spanish or Chinese civil wars. Attention is also paid to the questions of why civil wars prove so intractable.'

Date Added: 12/11/2003

Conciliation Quarterly

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Publisher: Mennonite Conciliation Service
Description: 'Conciliation Quarterly is a journal of conflict resolution from a Christian peacemaking perspective.'

Date Added: 10/26/2003

Conflict Resolution Journal

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Publisher: School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
Description: 'The Conflict Resolution Journal is a dynamic, evolving Web project founded by students at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. The Journal is dedicated to conflict resolution in its academic, institutional, and professional contexts, and seeks to provide readers with a wealth of interesting feature articles, cutting-edge research, and links to conflict resolution-related resources on the World Wide Web. The Journal is an open, community-oriented Web project, and as such we encourage your active participation.'

Date Added: 10/26/2003

Conflict Resolution Quarterly

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Publisher: Jossey-Bass, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Description: 'Conflict Resolution Quarterly (formerly Mediation Quarterly) publishes quality scholarship on relationships between theory, research, and practice of third parties in the conflict management and dispute resolution field to promote more effective professional applications.'

Date Added: 10/11/2003

Conflict Trends

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Publisher: ACCORD
Description: 'Conflict Trends offers unique at-a-glance overviews of both developments in conflicts and positive steps towards renaissance on the continent of Africa. Also included are in-depth articles focusing on conflict analysis.'

Date Added: 10/8/2003

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  Half of World's Refugees are Children
There are approximately 50 million uprooted people around the world - refugees who have sought safety in another country, and people displaced withi... (more info)

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