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New Agendas for Peace Research: Conflict and Security Reexamined

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Author: Elise Boulding
Publication Date: 1992
Publisher: Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers
Description: The book examines issues of global conflict and security in the post-Cold War era. The book also reexamines traditional concepts of security, and suggests new approaches to national and international conflict resolution.

Date Added: 9/27/2003

New Directions in Conflict Theory: Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation

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Author: Raimo Vayrynen (Editor)
Publication Date: November 1991
Publisher: Sage Publications
Description: 'Recent developments in the world political scene make this critical reassessment of conflict theory a timely and significant work. Its starting point is that conflict theory must move in new directions. Crucially, we need to let go the myth that most conflicts are resolvable, and recognize that the most that can usually be done is to transform the conflict, by redefining the actors, issues or modes of operation. This process may not eliminate the conflict but may divert it into a more manageable and less violent course. In developing the transformation perspective, New Directions in Conflict Theory explores the validity of rational and subjective approaches to conflict resolution, considers the value of international law and organizations for addressing complex social phenomena, and outlines a structural approach to international conflicts. In addition it extends the analysis of conflict transformation to new issues on the international agenda, such as antagonism between urban and rural areas, and threat to the environment. This wide-ranging review of both established and new theory will be valuable to academics and students in the many disciplines interested in conflict resolution, violence and peace.'

Date Added: 11/22/2003

Postmodern Insurgencies: Political Violence, Identity Formation, and Peacemaking in Comparative Perspective

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Author: Ronaldo Munck (Editor), Purnaka L. De Silva (Editor), Adama Dieng
Publication Date: 2000
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Description: 'This book explores the nature of insurgency in the post Cold War. It proposes a bold new post structuralist theoretical framework and practical democratic strategies. A wide range of contributors, many with hands-on experience, examine conflicts and conflict resolution in Sri Lanka, El Salvador, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Ireland, along with original studies of Islam and globalization and of the engendering of war.'
Ronaldo Munck (Editor), Purnaka

Date Added: 10/5/2003

Resolving Identity-Based Conflict In Nations, Organizations, and Communities

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Author: Jay Rothman (Author)
Publication Date: May 1997
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Description: ' Presenting a brilliant new approach to conflict resolution that will intrigue and inform practitioners and scholars alike. Writing from his remarkable range of academic and real-world experiences--including his historic work in bringing Israel and the PLO to the negotiation table--Rothman shows how identity-based conflict can be managed so that both parties reach a higher ground than either could have found on its own. His vehicle is his ARIA model, and here he traces the ARIA process through Antagonism, Resonance, Invention, and Action, demonstrating step-by-step how it can be applied in a variety of environments. Complete with field-tested assessment instruments and action plans, Resolving Identity-Based Conflict is a seamless union of theory and practice anyone seeking to turn the passion of conflict into the fuel of creativity can use.'

Date Added: 11/22/2003

Ripe for Resolution: Conflict and Intervention in Africa

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Author: William Zartman
Publication Date: October 1989
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Description: 'What causes local conflict in Africa and the rest of the Third World? What role, if any, can the U.S. play in helping to resolve these conflicts, and when is the time ripe for a response by an external power? This study, written by an internationally renowned Africanist and undertaken as part of the Africa Project of the Council on Foreign Relations, examines the causes and nature of African conflict and addresses the issue of how foreign powers can contribute productively to the management and resolution of such conflicts without resorting to the use of military force. Completely revised to incorporate up-to-the-minute information, the book focuses on four case studies of local conflict and external response--in the Western Sahara, the Horn of Africa, the Shaba province in Zaire, and Namibia--to assess various approaches to conflict management, and offers guidelines for identifying the critical moment for effective external response. The updated paper edition shows how the recommendations offered for conflict resoultion in the first edition have come to fruition, perhaps most dramatically with the recent withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola. Zartman also evaluates U.S. policy toward Third World conflict and spells out a policy toward Africa and the Third World in general that is based on preemptive treatment rather than military intervention.'

Date Added: 11/22/2003

Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate and Settlement

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Author: Jeffrey Z. Rubin, Dean G. Pruitt, Sung Hee Kim
Publication Date: January 1994
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages
Description: 'Social Conflict has been the standard bearer for brief, sophisticated coverage of all the key research on an important social psychology topic of concern to political scientists as well as sociologists. The new edition will be as brief as the last (200 pages) and will be completely updated and re-written for greater clarity, coherence, and especially concern for cross-cultural conflict. Now with new co-author Sung Hee Kim. This book has sold very well in psychology, communication, sociology, business communication, and political science departments as a supplement. Now a part of the McGraw-Hill Series in Social Psychology.'

Date Added: 11/15/2003

States of Conflict: Gender, Violence and Resistance

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Author: Susie M. Jacobs (Editor), Ruth Jacobson (Editor), Jennifer Marchbank (Editor)
Publication Date: March 2000
Publisher: Zed Books
Description: 'The volume will make links, in an non-simplistic way, between conflicts at the international, notion, community and household levels. It recognizes the enduring relevance of factors such as the exclusion of women from the public sphere and of militarized constructions of masculinity to present-day examples of gendered violence but at the same time, raises awkward questions about women's agency in these contexts.'

Date Added: 11/17/2003

Strategic Coercion: Concepts and Cases

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Author: Lawrence Freedman (Editor)
Publication Date: April 1998
Publisher: Oxford Univ Press
Description: 'This book argues for a reappraisal of the role of strategic coercion, defined as the deliberate and purposive use of overt threats to influence another's strategic choices, and emphasizes the importance of drawing on the experiences of countries other than the United States, and of considering the new circumstances of the post cold war world.'

Date Added: 11/22/2003

The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner

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Author: Bernard Mayer (Author), Bernard S. Mayer
Publication Date: 2000
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Description: 'This empowering guide goes beyond observable techniques to offer a close look at the creative internal processes--both cognitive and psychological--that successful mediators and other conflict resolvers draw upon.'

Date Added: 10/5/2003

Third Party Dispute Settlement in an Interdependent World: Developing a Theoretical Framework

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Author: Marcel Brus
Publication Date: May 1995
Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff
Description: 'The central theme of this book is the strengthening of the legitimacy and integrity of international law in the post-Cold War, interdependent international community. The investigation focuses on the relationship between international decision-making procedures, in particular compulsory third party dispute settlement, and legitimacy and integrity as perceived by states and other international actors. It starts with a description of recent developments with regard to dispute settlement in the law of the sea, GATT/WTO, Antarctica, and global environmental protection. Compulsory third-party dispute settlement has been accepted in treaty regimes in these fields as it is indispensable in safeguarding the legitimacy and integrity of such regimes. The focus then shifts to an extensive analysis of changes in the international community in general, and their consequences for the international legal system. By focusing on legitimacy and integrity, and by providing a theoretical framework in which these concepts can be applied, this book contributes significantly to the discussion of the theoretical foundations of international law. The author is winner of the 1995 Award of the Foundation Praemium Erasmianum, Amsterdam.'

Date Added: 11/22/2003

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There are approximately 50 million uprooted people around the world - refugees who have sought safety in another country, and people displaced withi... (more info)

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