Definition of Refugee
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) defines... (read more)
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Peace and Security Funders Group

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Geographical Location: Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA
Description: 'The central purpose of the Peace and Security Funders Group is to enhance the effectiveness of the network of grantmakers supporting work in the area of peace and security, by: (1) Improving communication among foundations active in this area; (2) Facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among peace and security funders regarding emerging issues in international security, and innovative approaches to problems of peace and security; (3) Providing a forum for funders to receive in-depth analysis of particular developments in the field of peace and security; and (4) Encouraging funders not currently making grants in the peace and security field to work in this area and to participate in the Group.'

Date Added: 11/14/2003

Peace Education Foundation

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Description: 'The Peace Education Foundation (PEF) is a non-profit educational organization established in 1980. The PEF's mission is to educate children and adults in the dynamics of conflict and to promote peacemaking skills in homes, schools and communities throughout the world.'

Date Added: 8/7/2003

Peace Jam Foundation

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Geographical Location: Arvada, Colorado, USA
Description: ''PeaceJam is an international education program built around leading Nobel Peace Laureates who work personally with youth to pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they embody. The goal of PeaceJam is to inspire a new generation of peacemakers who will transform their local communities,themselves and the world.''

Read Reviews | Date Added: 8/6/2003

Ploughshares Fund

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Geographical Location: San Francisco, California, USA
Description: ''...a mutual fund for peace and security...' The Ploughshares Fund is a public grantmaking foundation that supports initiatives for stopping the spread of weapons of war, from nuclear arms to landmines.'

Date Added: 11/14/2003

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

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Geographical Location: New York City, New York, USA
Description: 'The Rockefeller Brothers Fund promotes social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. Through its grantmaking, the Fund supports efforts to expand knowledge, clarify values and critical choices, nurture creative expression, and shape public policy. The Fund's programs are intended to develop leaders, strengthen institutions, engage citizens, build community, and foster partnerships that include government, business, and civil society.'

Date Added: 12/14/2003

Stanley Foundation

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Geographical Location: Muscatine, Iowa, USA
Description: 'The Stanley Foundation seeks a secure peace with freedom and justice, built on world citizenship and effective global governance.'

Date Added: 8/20/2003

The Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation

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Geographical Location: South Africa, United States
Description: "The Desmond Tutu Peace Centre will be a landmark institution primarily aimed at using the experience of the South African people and the example of Desmond Tutu to inspire a new generation of visionary peace builders. Its focus is to teach the extraordinary principles - practiced by ordinary people - that were able to guide South Africa from a legacy of violence to a cooperative peace."

Date Added: 5/18/2006

The Eurasia Foundation

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Geographical Location: International
Description: 'The Eurasia Foundation is a privately managed grant-making and operating organization dedicated to funding programs that build democratic and free market institutions in the twelve New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union -- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.'

Date Added: 11/13/2003

The Fund for Peace

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Geographical Location: Washington D.C., USA
Description: 'The mission of The Fund for Peace is to prevent war and alleviate the conditions that cause war. The Fund promotes education and research for practical solutions. It is a consistent advocate of promoting social justice and respect for the principles of constitutional democracy.'

Date Added: 11/27/2003

The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

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Geographical Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA
Description: 'The events of the past few years have significantly increased the likelihood of weapons of mass destruction being used – a scenario that would have catastrophic consequences for all of us. Terrorism, technology, geopolitical ambitions, and policies of preemptive war together form an incendiary mix that calls upon each one of us to take a more active role in securing the future of our planet. As such, the Foundation will increase its efforts to promote informed consent and participatory democracy on issues involving nuclear policy, providing you and millions of others with effective tools for voicing your opinions to our elected officials.'

Date Added: 12/14/2003

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  Half of World's Refugees are Children
There are approximately 50 million uprooted people around the world - refugees who have sought safety in another country, and people displaced withi... (more info)

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