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Norway, New Zealand and Denmark are considered as top three peace... (read more)
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Seeking Peace, Pursuing Justice

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Description: 'Seeking Peace, Pursuing Justice is the Reform Movement's campaign to educate and mobilize North American Jewry to support peace efforts and social justice causes in Israel. This initiative was made possible in part by a generous three-year grant from the Ford Foundation.'

Date Added: 12/6/2003

Service Civil International (SCI)

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Description: Service Civil International (SCI) has official relations with UNESCO as a partner non-governmental organization. The organization promotes worldwide short term and long term voluntary service to impact social, environmental and humanitarian issues.

Date Added: 8/20/2003

Tabula Rasa Institute

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Description: 'The Tabula Rasa Institute is a nonprofit organization that promotes peace, understanding, and cooperation between people, groups, and nations by providing the resources, education, and leadership necessary to improve our world.'

Date Added: 8/7/2003

The Children and Armed Conflict Unit

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Description: 'The Children and Armed Conflict Unit is a joint project of the Children’s Legal Centre, a UK registered charity, and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Essex. The Children and Armed Conflict Unit carries out assessment visits, carries out feasibility studies for projects and sets up and executes child protection programmes. Since 1997 the Unit has worked in a number of conflict countries.'

Date Added: 12/15/2003

The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

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Description: 'The Mission of the Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is to promote and apply the principles of nonviolence locally, nationally, and globally, to prevent violence and resolve personal and public conflicts through research, education, and programming.'

Date Added: 12/14/2003

Third Side

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Description: 'ThirdSide is sponsored by the Global Negotiation Project (formerly the Project on Preventing War) at Harvard University. The Project develops and encourages the use of effective negotiation processes to reduce the risk of war. In addition, the Project is also committed to the development of negotiation theory and practice in a wide range of related areas, such as international mediation and designing dispute resolution systems to contain violence and resolve conflict.'

Date Added: 8/8/2003

Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research

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Description: 'The Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research is a new kind of institute for a new kind of world, a world endowed with expanding channels of communication yet sorely in need of dialogue. Globalization of the world's economies, societies and cultures is producing serious risks of clashing civilizations but also opportunities for dialogue among civilizations. The Institute brings peace researchers, policymakers, and community activists into communication and collaboration on selected projects in conflict resolution.'

Date Added: 8/7/2003

Union of Concerned Scientists

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Description: ”We use analysis, policy initiatives and public education to help bring about a world free of nuclear arms.”

Date Added: 7/4/2003

United for Peace and Justice

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Description: "United for Peace and Justice is a coalition of more than 1300 local and national groups throughout the United States who have joined together to protest the immoral and disastrous Iraq War and oppose our government"s policy of permanent warfare and empire-building."

Date Added: 9/14/2006

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

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Description: 'The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the United Nations.'

Date Added: 8/20/2003

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There are approximately 50 million uprooted people around the world - refugees who have sought safety in another country, and people displaced withi... (more info)

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