Interview with the Founder, Robert R. Tyler The initial major project is to establish a global survey of peace resources. One of the major goals of the Global Survey would be to collect, sort and share the names of all individuals, organizations, publications, etc., involved in peace.
We want to know who is teaching, practicing in some way, or working in a governmental capacity in the area of peace; what programs, institutions, books, dissertations, videos, etc., focus or even comment on peace research; and we want to make a compendium of what already exists. Our plan is that, while we compile this information, we will also make it available in a variety of ways, especially over the Internet.
This process will be substantial and ongoing and will require a multimillion dollar budget. We will need a staff of highly qualified individuals who can interpret languages from around the globe, gather the information, create and maintain a database and graphically display it in various ways. We hope to make this an annual survey in order to measure both growth and decline. As some groups disappear, others will form.
Another area the survey will address is scholarship. What scholarships exists today in the area of peace research? Bright minds will be encouraged to study and research various aspects of peace within their area of specialty, and all this information can be used to contribute to a growing body of knowledge about conflict resolution and making peace.
It is imperative that our gathering and reporting of statistics must be as objective as possible. Our sole agenda is to uphold our mission statement to attain the goals of the Peace Research Foundation. We have no political, religious, or national affiliations. Our interest is simply to compile and share a comprehensive compendium to promote global peace.
Robert R. Tyler, Founder President Advisory Board Chairman Director of Annual Global Peace Survey