Definition of Refugee
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) defines... (read more)
 Current News
"6 billion others"
The project “6 billion others” was created at the beginning of 2003 initiated by Yann-Arthus Bertrand. "The project aims to create a sensitive and human portrait of the planet’s inhabitants. The objective of the project is to attempt to reveal each person’s universality and individuality. To achieve this, six directors set off across the world to interview the inhabitants of the planet. The questions chosen for these interviews are ones which cut across all humanity, everywhere, and always: they concern the family, experiences, tests, what makes us laugh, cry, what gives life meaning, and the like. These portraits are as much individual as they are like us. They stimulate us, move us, make us look at ourselves in a new light. These meetings enrich us by their diversity, by the thoughts they provoke and the prospects they open up. Are we all chasing same happiness? Are we all facing the same problems?" For more information go to: http://www.6billionothers.org/index_en.php
  There are no upcoming events listed at this time.
  Half of World's Refugees are Children
There are approximately 50 million uprooted people around the world - refugees who have sought safety in another country, and people displaced withi... (more info)

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